Saturday, July 5, 2008

Media Relations


The media relation is one of the most critical areas within a corporate communication function in an organization. The media are both a constituency and a conduit through other constituents receive information about the company. The media is a very important factor in shaping the image of a company.

Building better relations with the media

  • Cultivate relationships with the right people (only a few) in the media and strengthen the relationship. The right people will help build company image and will also co-operate during crisis to preserve the image.
  • Avoid the old practices and adopt new ideas and measurement techniques to gain more audience.
  • Make information precise and short.
  • Spend more time doing research to communicate better with the media. Senior executives outside the communication function are usually reluctant to spend more time in research and deal with only a few people in the media.
  • Carefully handle requests for information by the media. Such approach can make a great difference in the way companies appear in stories.
  • Have a centralized communication function for consistency in information being provided.
  • Keep tract of how effective strategy has been.
  • Maintain ongoing relationship
  • Hire a expert in the field
  • Avoid using external help as much as possible
  • Handle negative news carefully to avoid further damage

Online media

The internet is everywhere. Information spreads like a wildfire over the internet than any other types of media. Maintain good relation with constituencies involved in online media. Update websites information regularly and respond frequently to blogs and forum about the company.

Media interview tips

  • Keep answers short
  • Avoid no comment response
  • Pay careful attention to each question
  • Use bridging to move closer to your objectives
  • Use anecdotes
  • Keep body language in mind

BenchPoint Report on Measurement, 2004,

Mary Munter, “How to Conduct a Successful Media Interview, “California Management Review, Summer 1983.

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